Transformed By Grace
Grace is not merely a gift but God's invitation to a relationship that can change our lives and transform the world. In this series, we will delve into stories of transformation, connecting them to our everyday experiences. From feeling like outsiders to being part of a community, from fear to trust, from the “same old” to something creative and new – these are just a few of the transformations that God’s grace works in our lives. Say yes to grace and find new freedom in relation to yourself, others and even your personal and financial resources.
Grace is not merely a gift but God's invitation to a relationship that can change our lives and transform the world. In this series, we will delve into stories of transformation, connecting them to our everyday experiences. From feeling like outsiders to being part of a community, from fear to trust, from the “same old” to something creative and new – these are just a few of the transformations that God’s grace works in our lives. Say yes to grace and find new freedom in relation to yourself, others and even your personal and financial resources.
Week 1:
Called by Love | Luke 19:1-10 When God calls our name, it’s an invitation to a transforming relationship as an agent of grace. Zacchaeus went from being an agent of the state to an agent of God.
Called by Love | Luke 19:1-10 When God calls our name, it’s an invitation to a transforming relationship as an agent of grace. Zacchaeus went from being an agent of the state to an agent of God.
Week 2:
“God Trusted Me with It!” | Matthew 25:14-30 Fear leads us to waste the gifts we’ve been given. God invites us to a mindset of abundance and trust.
“God Trusted Me with It!” | Matthew 25:14-30 Fear leads us to waste the gifts we’ve been given. God invites us to a mindset of abundance and trust.
Week 3:
The Secret of Contentment | Philippians 4:1-7, 10-14, 19 As we learn what it really means to have enough, we are freed to embrace and leverage what we have.
The Secret of Contentment | Philippians 4:1-7, 10-14, 19 As we learn what it really means to have enough, we are freed to embrace and leverage what we have.
Week 4:
A Disciple’s Lifestyle | Luke 16:1-13 A disciple’s lifestyle is one of creativity and care for all God provides, including our resources and finances.
A Disciple’s Lifestyle | Luke 16:1-13 A disciple’s lifestyle is one of creativity and care for all God provides, including our resources and finances.